Basic Categorization

1WorldSync Basic Categorization


All products captured by 1WorldSync are classified into categories. These categories are defined by the type of products they will regroup and one PDM (Product Data Model) will be attributed to each category to describe the features of these products.


Class: "A  Systems"
Category: "AA  Desktop & Servers"


Database Structure

The Cds_Cctxx table is the vocabulary table which contains all classes and category descriptions. A product's category can be determined by joining the Prod table to the Cctxx table. All categories are represented by a two-letter code while classes are represented by a single letter code in cds_Cctxx.



Related Queries

Here's a query to export the class and the category for a product.

SELECTLEFT(p.catid,1)AS[Class ID],
       c1.description   AS[Class Name],
       p.catid          AS[Category ID],
       c2.description   AS[Category_name]
FROM   cds_prodp