Product Lifecycle



Product Lifecycle provides the products' release and discontinued information. It is captured from manufacturer feeds, websites as well as from 1WorldSync PartnerAccess tool used by manufacturers for catalog and product content updates. Therefore, this data is subject to availability.

Product Lifecycle Information consists of the following three fields: 

  • Discontinued flag
  • Discontinued date
  • Release date

A product is considered to be discontinued when the manufacturer announces that it is no longer manufactured or sold in a given region.


Product Lifecycle Information is region-specific, and is associated either with a certain region/market or as WorldWide (WW).
If the lifecycle information differs by markets for the same product, then the records are provided by market in the cds_Lifecycle table.

For example:

If market-specific and WorldWide data are different then we recommend using market-specific data.

Database Structure

Product Lifecycle Information tables are non-incremental. Each contains a full update of lifecycle data for all covered SKUs from the customer catalog.
Release date and discontinued date are delivered in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The DiscontinuedDate may be a future date for some products.

The lifecycle information is delivered in the tables cds_Lifecycle and cds_Regions




Related Queries

SELECT l.prodid,
FROM   cds_lifecycle l
       JOIN cds_regions r
         ON r.regioncode = l.regioncode
WHERE  l.prodid = 'PRODUCTID'