Searchable Attributes
Searchable Attributes Overview
Alternative Searchable Attributes (ASA) / Basic Categorization
Alternative Searchable Attributes (ASA) / Alternative Categorization
Searchable attributes are a strong benefit of DataSource PDM. Searchable attributes for a particular SKU represent a set of parameters for the following purposes:
- Ordering and grouping of products
- Catalog navigation by Manufacturer Name, Product Line, etc.
- Alternative navigation by main properties
- Filtering and Comparison
- Splitting DataSource category into several sub-categories for convenient navigation
- Merging of products from several DataSource categories into a single pool
Searchable attributes are delivered in the “SKU – attribute – value” form in the file “atr.txt”.
Each DataSource category has its own set of searchable attributes.
Types of Searchable Attributes
All searchable attributes can be subdivided into listed below types:
Singe Value Text (SVT)
The possible values of this kind of attributes are text strings (up to 255 characters).
No more than one value of such attribute is associated with a single SKU.
This type does not use units or normalized value.
Multi-Value Text (MVT)
This type is similar to previous one but it is possible to associate several values with a single SKU.
Numeric (without Unit) (Num)
Numeric attributes represent integer or real numbers. Technically the number is delivered as text string that contains number in text format.
Numeric attributes are always single-value i.e. only one value is associated with a single SKU.
Numeric with Unit (NumU)
Numeric attributes are used for measurable properties like dimension, weight, frequency. Each entry contains a numeric value and a unit (cm,
km, kg, Watt, kW, kHz, MHz, etc.). For relevant sorting and comparison of values with different units (1100 MHz and 1.2 GHz) each entry contains
normalized numeric value (1100000000 and 1200000000 in this example).
Same attribute (with the same Attribute ID) may be used in several categories. The properties of an attribute are the same through all the
Searchable Attributes Deactivation
Technologies as well as PDM are subjects to evolve, new searchable attributes are subject emerge, and some existing searchable attributes are subject
to deactivate. Such planned deactivations are announced through the file Attribute Deactivation Feed 3 months prior to actual deactivations.
As a deactivation occurs affected SKUs are updated and redistributed to ensure that the obsolete attribute does not interfere.
Searchable Attributes and Sub-categorization
Most of the categories cover several product types. For example, category AA Desktops & Servers covers desktop computers, servers, thin clients, PC barebone bundles and so on. The attribute A00432 System / Type makes it possible to represent products from this category in several parts of end-user catalog.
Supposed for sub-categorization attributes have 100% fill rate and have relatively short list of values.
In some categories main sub-categorization attributes contain just trivial information. In such cases other searchable attributes provides information for sub-categorization.
Common Searchable Attributes
All categories contain the following basic set of searchable attributes:
Attribute ID | Attribute Name | Type | Comment |
A00630 | Header / Manufacturer | SVT | The name of manufacturer. Filled in all products. |
A00600 | Header / Product Line | SVT | Brand and Family of product. |
A00601 | Header / Model | SVT | The model name. |
- Brand name may differ from manufacturer name.
- Manufacturer - Category - Product Line – Model are considered a hierarchical structure. The full list of values of A00600 Header / Product Line and A00601 Header / Model may contain copies of equal Product Line and Model names with different IDs.
Majority of categories have attributes for dimensions and weight.
Attribute ID | Attribute Name | Type | Comment |
A00354 | Dimensions & Weight / Width | NumU | These attributes mean dimensions and weight of unpacked product. |
A00355 | Dimensions & Weight / Depth | NumU | |
A00356 | Dimensions & Weight / Height | NumU | |
A00357 | Dimensions & Weight / Weight | NumU |
The attribute Packaged Quantity is intended to describe packs of several identical units. For single products it is “1”. This attribute is not used in a few categories where multi-packs are not typical.
Attribute ID | Attribute Name | Type | Comment |
A00694 | Header / Packaged Quantity | Num | Integer |
The following attributes specify countries a product is intended for. If a product is not localized then these attributes are empty.
Attribute ID | Attribute Name | Type | Comment |
A00604 | Header / Localization | MVT | This attribute reflects language properties of the product. |
A00605 | Header / Country Kits | MVT | This attribute lists countries of target market. |
A notebook for Switzerland with French and English documentation and preloaded software is described like this:
Attribute ID | Attribute Name | Value |
A00604 | Header / Localization | French, English |
A00605 | Header / Country Kits | Switzerland |
Searchable attribute for manufacturer’s warranty in a compact form:
Attribute ID | Attribute Name | Type | Comment |
A00430 | Service & Support / Type | SVT | Typical value: 1 year warranty, 90 days warranty, limited lifetime warranty |
About 30% of categories contain searchable attributes related to environmental standards and certifications:
Attribute ID | Attribute Name | Type | Values | Comment |
A05294 | Environmental Standards / EPEAT Compliant | SVT | Yes | Reflects if an SKU is EPEAT
compliant or not. |
A05295 | Environmental Standards / EPEAT Level | SVT | EPEAT Gold
EPEAT Silver EPEAT Bronze |
Reflects a level of EPEAT compliance.
Note: the attribute is used in conjunction with the attribute “Environmental Standards / EPEAT Compliant” (A05294). If an SKU is EPEAT compliant then both attributes are used, if it is not compliant then both attributes are empty. |
A05296 | Environmental Standards / EPA Energy Star Compliant | SVT | Yes | Reflects if an SKU is Energy Star compliant or not. |
A05297 |
Environmental Standards / Blue Angel Compliant | SVT | Yes | Reflects if an SKU is Blue Angel compliant or not. |
Cross-Category Attributes
There are several attributes designed that help to combine products from different categories of certain segments into generic virtual categories.
Attribute ID | Attribute Name | Type | Comment |
A04431 | Miscellaneous / Category of Accessory | MVT | This attribute is used in a number of "Accessory” categories like “System Accessories” or “Storage Accessories”. |
A04437 | CCTV / Equipment Category | SVT |
This attribute is allocated to the following categories:
The attribute is handy to provide convenient way to choose all products that are offered by manufacturer as CCTV components.
A04851 | Miscellaneous / Manufacturer Selling Program | SVT | The attribute makes it possible to find products offered by manufacturers via special programs. |
Integration Hints
It is recommended to replace delivered names of searchable attributes (these names are rather "technology") by more easy-to-read captions.
Windows 1252 Feed Languages | Unicode UTF-16 Feed Languages |
BR Brazilian Portuguese
EE British English DA Danish NL Dutch NO Norwegian EN English US FI Finnish FR French DE German IT Italian PT Portuguese ES Spanish SV Swedish |
BR Brazilian Portuguese
Database Structure
To get the list of searchable attributes the product line and model from the database, you need to use both tables cds_Atr and cds_Vocxx.
Related Queries
Here are the sample queries to retrieve Searchable Attributes.
-- SQL Server
SELECT a.atrid,
v.text AS Attribute,
a.valid AS ValueID,
a.unitid AS UnitID,
v3.text AS Unit,
COALESCE(v2.text+' '+v3.text,v2.text) AS ValueUnit,
FROM cds_atr a
JOIN cds_vocxx v ON a.atrid =
JOIN cds_vocxx v2 ON a.valid =
LEFT JOIN cds_vocxx v3 ON a.unitid =
WHERE a.prodid = 'PRODUCTID'
ORDER BY a.atrid
-- MySQL
SELECT a.atrid,
v.text AS Attribute,
a.valid AS ValueID,
a.unitid AS UnitID,
v3.text AS Unit,
WHEN v3.text IS NULL THEN v2.text
ELSE Concat_ws("",v2.text,v3.text)
end AS ValueUnit,
FROM cds_atr a
JOIN cds_vocxx v ON a.atrid =
JOIN cds_vocxx v2 ON a.valid =
LEFT JOIN cds_vocxx v3 ON a.unitid =
WHERE a.prodid = 'PRODUCTID'
ORDER BY a.atrid